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Comparison Map

Comparison between SDG Indicator 3.2.1 and 10.7.4

This comparison choropleth map shows SDG indicator 3.2.1 “Child mortality rate (under five) in 2019” and 10.7.4 “Proportion of the population who are refugees (by country of origin in 2019)”. These two indicators belong to the overarching SDGs “Good Health and Well Being” (SDG 3) and “Reduced Inequalities” (SDG 10). The map was made with Esri Online and its data was derived from the UN Open-Source Data hub. The values of both indicators are divided into five categories each. Each category has its unique color. Although the two indicators are assigned different colors, I aimed to choose similar color gradients to ease comparability.

In Esri Online, users can interact with the map by sliding the bar from left to right and clicking on the different country areas to explore further details surrounding the context. The legend can be viewed by clicking the button in the top right corner.